Thursday, October 05, 2006

Turns out a fee simple is a type of rent, so I get to keep my job after all. I'm overjoyed about this.
I have a previously undiscovered love of paper. I knew I had feelings for socks and cushions, but paper was a new one to me. All kinds of paper too, thin paper, thick paper, blue paper, brown paper, blank paper, dirty paper (ooh er). Paper all day long. I don't even mind the kind that gives me paper cuts (which my hands are now covered in). Paper all bloody day long.

Cheers Steve for your kind words of invitation. I was so happy I sneezed. I have to admit I am disappointed bout the hokey pokey or the lack thereof but given time I will get over it. Not sure the computer will though.
I have a feeling the Wrath of Blog will probably not suffer any loss of revenue from my presence in the blogging world. Loss of prestige is an entirely different matter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy God dear sis! I always knew you were a bit nuts but seriously!!!!
Anyway, now I understand what this whole Blogg thing is about! Quite handy pandy me thinks (I know all about your shananigans with Batgimp!!).
Lots of love,

27/10/06 04:18  

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