Friday, October 27, 2006

Straws n sins

The new coat is fantastic. It is a magical coat for when I put it on it immediately transforms me from a scruffy, student wannabetype to a sophisticated, professional wannabe. At the moment the effect is slightly ruined because due to a stubbed toe instead of giving the impression of a Ms Workalot, I give the impression of a Ms Limpsalot, or when I take an ill advised step, Ms Swearsalot (loudly and vociferously).
In other news, I managed to catch a bus this morning despite the rain. I then got to grin smugly at people shivering at bus stops. The bus driver was kind enough to slow down at each stop to allow all the passengers this pleasure. Knowing Karma, this will come back to bite me in the ass, but who cares! I'd do it again. In fact I think I might catch a taxi to the train station this afternoon and then I can smirk at way more people.
Hmmm, these blogs are surprisingly hard to write, I've been feeling guilty because I haven't updated the damn thing in about a week. I already feel so guilty about a multiple of things (bad daugher, bad friend, bad girlfrient, bad worker, bad student, bad sister) that the addition of one more thing really shouldn't bother me, but I'm thinking bout the straw. I'm thinking that I need to commit some really big, juicy and enjoyable sins - I figure I'm gonna be feeling the guilt anyway, I might as well do something to justify it. I might start by buying that cattle prod I've always wanted. There are a couple of American tourists on the streets of Dublin who are gonna be getting some unexpected exercise.
Um, where was I, oh yes, blogs. Quite frankly it seems like an exercise in egotistical futility, who gives a damn if I've bought a new coat, and that I look fabulous in it, and if you saw it you would be jealous, and want a coat like it (but you can't). I could start an entry each day with" today I got out of bed and got dressed and went to the kitchen where I turned on the taps (and listen out for my housemates scream of indignation - she always gets to the bloody bathroom first)." Anyway I could do that, but why bother.
I could post some personal details, for instance I got sick today on bus, over tourist, good start to day.But again, why bother.
Or I could write about work.............


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