Thursday, March 15, 2007

Shake n Vac Metaphors

The Good - The Wedding Officer by Anthony Capella - funny, exciting, sweet- got it all really. Plus the back cover mentions passion at least twice. This doesn't mean that its a bodice ripper, simply that it was set in Italy.
The Bad - Agatha Raisin and The Witch of Wyckhadden - another reason why I should stop buying books based on their titles and/or snazzy covers. Still, at least I didn't buy the one entitled Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death (but I was so close).
The Ugly - The Enquirer and Britney Rehab Heartbreak - actually a little more shameful than ugly, though I pretty sure the magazine had a Who's hot and Who's not list. Still I gotta admit I'm addicted to the soap opera triangle that is Brad/Jolie/Jennifer. Did he write her a love note, did she lose it in a shopping mall, are they all actually the alien mentors of Scientoligistic stars. Why, why do I care? I'm pretty sure its because I stopped watching Sunset Beach. Aaaaah bring back Ben and his evil twin Derek.
Yikes look at the time. Dash for train station...more tomorrow.....


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