Monday, February 05, 2007

New author

Ah Bliss, I have found a new author, Kate Atkinson, so far i'm on my third book by this author, the latest one I'm reading is called 'Behind the Scenes at the Museum', first published in 1995. This is after reading 'Case Histories' and 'One Good Turn', books that can be loosely termed detective novels, there is a slight Agatha Christie/Enid Blyton - squeezed into the twenty first century, sized 00, labelling mania - feel to them, most importantly - they are deftly layered stories, funny, warm, engaging.
Plus I love the covers.
In other news, got the train back up to Dublin this morning and attempted to snooze the two hour journey away. Was interrupted numerous times by ticket inspectors (thankfully the nice, lacksidasical - is this a word- Irish kind, unlike the shouting, gung ho, doc marten wearing kind found in Germany - bloody terrifying, I never found a ticket so fast, good cure for constipation though). Also woman on train with phone- U could have turned it down, would it have been so bloody difficult.
There's a word for people like her,

no mobile phone users were harmed in the creation of this entry.


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