Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thank You Blogspot....

...for making life just that little bit harder.
It seems that this posting facility has decided to strongarm its users into joining on to the google bandwagon, regardless of whether or not they want to. I have spent a certain amount of time just attempting to get into this damn blog without joining up, not being at all technically savvy - I belong to the 'Plug it out and plug it back in' school - I had to capitulate. To ease the pain blogspot promised all sorts of wonderful new features. For instance I no longer have a home page but a 'dashboard'. Oohh err.
Grr, ah well, its just me. I'd still be using smoke signals if I could get away with it, but nobody knows Morse anymore.
__ ** _ *_ __ _ __ __ _


Blogger Unknown said...

__ ** _ *_ __ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _*__ ___ ..__ _ ___ ___ -*-*--

26/4/07 14:10  

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