Friday, April 13, 2007


I've just had to sign in five times just to get this far. Why, why, why, why? I'm so confussed, convoosled and conned. Not that this is a million miles away from my usual state of being (confussed and convoosled and occasionally misconjugating) but why, why, why?

I actually can't remember why I started writing this in the first place.............

Two hours later:
Apparently students in UL have taken it upon themselves to paint a pedestrian crossing into the Dublin road close to the Groody roundabout. Brilliant!
I know people are going to start complaining and grousing. General populations don't much like students anyway, so any pro active behaviour such as this is sure to go down like a lead brick among the residents. I used to live in that area and due to personal experience I fully support them. Even nowadays a majority of students are pedestrians, you'd want to be in those estates - the speed bumps were the size of mountains and as rocky. (The only joyriders who could possibly use this area are the ones who have managed to nick a helicopter.) Trying to cross that road in the morning in time for lectures - which I occasionally attended- was a daily life or death experience. The worst part would be how the cars would speed up after coming off the roundabout. You'd be halfway across after carefully following the highway code song (La, la, la, la, la) and boom, some fecker with an arse the size of Munster in an SUV, built to accommodate his ample arse, would be blaring his horn at you. Thank goodness most of these drivers were too lazy to stop and remove said arses (which were large) from their cars for a spot of invigorating road rage.
Apparently UL's student union has been on to the council for years trying to get a solution to the problem but unsurprisingly after first granting planning permission for a bucket load of below par housing estates the council then prevaricated on putting in place anything resembling amenities or necessities. For example, oh I don't know, a pedestrian crossing so residents don't get flattened on a daily basis. Luckily no one has been killed yet but I think this is more due to the fact that a student population is generally pretty young and therefore pretty nimble, it's certainly not due to any actual safety measures put in place by the powers that be.

Well I'm done and wow, I think this was my very first blog rant that wasn't about feckin' Dublin (which is looking quite nice at the moment due to the fabulous weather and my rose tinted sunglasses.)

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