Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Beds, umbrellas & closed doors.

I am so tired. I have been so tired for the past two weeks and I'm close to edge, man, close to the edge. I have attacked both a kitchen unit and a door in the past week. The kitchen unit was innocent of any offence, the door less so. I guess what I'm saying is that the door had it coming. Je regrette rien.
Unfortunately its been raining a lot over the past two weeks. This has meant that my umbrella (kindly donated by a forgetful stranger) has become a constant companion. I really shouldn't be allowed a stick like object when I'm in this type of mood. It's only a matter of time...and exactly how can I defend myself in front of a judge...'well, she's was going mighty slow and sure I only thought I'd speed her up a bit....and I was as surprised as anyone when my finger slipped and the umbrella popped open...granted - maybe not as surprised as she was.'
Ah sweet dreams.
I suppose anyone reading this blog might understandably come to the conclusion I am an innately violent person. I promise this isn't the case. I'm just so bloody tired and I do not deal well with lack of sleep. I get cross, cranky, peeved, annoyed, frustrated and I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE IT OUT ON SOMEONE OR SOMETHING.
I want my bed.


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