Monday, May 14, 2007

Health warning - where the author speaks of health related issues, kindof.

Do you ever have days where, instead of writing as you think you find yourself obsessing about commas and syntax and spelling? I am having one of those days. I think it can be traced back to a dream I had last night where this severe teacher type figure was chasing me and brandishing a large dictionary. I had that dreamlike certainty that that dictionary and I were due for an unpleasant meeting. Actually the dream is probably a symptom of some other fear, I'm sure if I looked it up in a dream dictionary it would signify that I'm about to come into some money or that I need to go to the dentist or that perhaps I should change my shoes.
Or maybe I should just use spellcheck.
It has been a while since I've updated this so a recap is in order.
I liked Nevil Shute's book but I now know way too much about sea planes.
Dublin was sunny, then was not, but is now again.
The Luas makes me feel like I am turning Japanese.

Last weekend - May Bank Holiday was spent on the Aran Islands. We had a lot of fun, there were bicycles and I learned that while drinking white wine on a night out can seem like a good idea at first it is a fickle friend and will kick you in the ass in the morning. (It can also lead to Fawlty Towers like misunderstandings with foreigners) I also learned that it is better to fly to the Aran Islands than to get the ferry, especially if you have been drinking white wine the night beforehand, in addition it is probably better to be on the ferry with people as sick as you because people with the constitutions of oxes will just make you feel homicidal, or at least they would if they didn't keep rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.....aagghh flashback. I wish I could say that my now extensive knowledge of seaplanes miraculously came into to use at this juncture but it didn't.

And finally I've given acupuncture a go and I think its working. Probably in the same way a mallet across the head would distract you from a bee sting in the ass but it's working none the less. I've had less headaches in the past month than I have had in ages which is bloody fantastic.
It is a slightly strange sensation to willingly let someone insert pins into you but it actually doesn't really hurt (when it's done properly, when it is done badly it hurts like the bejaysus and unfortunately you don't know if you've got a good practitioner or not until that first pin goes in.) I have another session this week so I'll keep track of it.

And this is really is finally it, I promise. I've started on the 'Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius' and I'm already bored, BORED. I'm only on page three though.

There I'm finished. There are probably way too many commas (but they were giving them away free), sssssppelling mistakes (spell checkers solution to Shute's was Shite's), the grammar is atrocious and I'm not even sure what syntax means...but if you've read this far you only have yourself to blame.


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