Thursday, July 26, 2007

Toppling busts

Where not to go in Dublin

Avoid Nassau Street, not only is the name of this street unpronounceable but I believe it was modelled on the fourth circle of hell. Many poor, unfortunate tourists have, lamb like, wandered into this charnel house in search of a genuine Irish memento and thus doomed themselves to eternal punishment meted out by irate office workers. Doomed, I tell ya, DOOMED.

If you have a somewhat nervous deposition I'd advise you to avoid Tallaght (yes, yes the majority of the people who live there are lovely.....but some aren't at all lovely and are in fact scary, mean and vicious), Temple Bar (u can't two steps without running into a member of the performing arts fraternity, gives me the willies), most of Dublin 1, St Stephen's Green (multiple, malicious magpies) and Kildare St where a man who is actually quite harmless is liable to burst into song/diatribes depending on mood/weather/proximity to digital cameras.

If you have any shred of decency/bogger accent avoid Dublin 4.

Natural History Museum - or as Dubs like to call it, the Dead Zoo. A staircase recently collapsed there taking with it some visitors. Now that in itself is terrible but sure weren't they all okay in the end, the reason to avoid the place though is due to alarmingly quick appearance of reporters on the scene of this 'disaster'. The barely suppressed glee in their voices as they attempted to create a panic has made me a little more wary of all Dublin museums for the moment. Behind every statue lurks a NewsTalk reporter.


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