
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

1 coat, 2 scarves n a pair of mittens

Its cold.
It has not been a good day, of course waking up at 5.10am in morning to get train back to dublin while boyfriend gloats over extra time in bed, kindly noting as I stumble out the door that by the time I will have reached dublin, he will just be getting up for work. I love him, he must die, but I love him.
Still good news in that the magical properties of the new coat are astounding. Nobody walked into me today on Grafton street, yup thats right, suddenly I'm visible again. Plus a horny devil wearing a rather snazzy suit waved at me. (This was a man in a red mask with horns, I like to make snap judgements about people but I tend to wait for a while before deciding bout people's sexual voracities, nice suit though>)
That being said though I think the coat starting misfiring around lunch when it seemed to attract a rather unsavoury elderly woman in the Kilkenny. She took a personal and phsyical dislike to the coat, perhaps erroneously believing that the coat had skipped the queue, it had just happens to go faster than all other apparel around it. The coat saw off these unwelcomed and unwarranted advances with a twitch of a belt and a flip of a collar.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Straws n sins

The new coat is fantastic. It is a magical coat for when I put it on it immediately transforms me from a scruffy, student wannabetype to a sophisticated, professional wannabe. At the moment the effect is slightly ruined because due to a stubbed toe instead of giving the impression of a Ms Workalot, I give the impression of a Ms Limpsalot, or when I take an ill advised step, Ms Swearsalot (loudly and vociferously).
In other news, I managed to catch a bus this morning despite the rain. I then got to grin smugly at people shivering at bus stops. The bus driver was kind enough to slow down at each stop to allow all the passengers this pleasure. Knowing Karma, this will come back to bite me in the ass, but who cares! I'd do it again. In fact I think I might catch a taxi to the train station this afternoon and then I can smirk at way more people.
Hmmm, these blogs are surprisingly hard to write, I've been feeling guilty because I haven't updated the damn thing in about a week. I already feel so guilty about a multiple of things (bad daugher, bad friend, bad girlfrient, bad worker, bad student, bad sister) that the addition of one more thing really shouldn't bother me, but I'm thinking bout the straw. I'm thinking that I need to commit some really big, juicy and enjoyable sins - I figure I'm gonna be feeling the guilt anyway, I might as well do something to justify it. I might start by buying that cattle prod I've always wanted. There are a couple of American tourists on the streets of Dublin who are gonna be getting some unexpected exercise.
Um, where was I, oh yes, blogs. Quite frankly it seems like an exercise in egotistical futility, who gives a damn if I've bought a new coat, and that I look fabulous in it, and if you saw it you would be jealous, and want a coat like it (but you can't). I could start an entry each day with" today I got out of bed and got dressed and went to the kitchen where I turned on the taps (and listen out for my housemates scream of indignation - she always gets to the bloody bathroom first)." Anyway I could do that, but why bother.
I could post some personal details, for instance I got sick today on bus, over tourist, good start to day.But again, why bother.
Or I could write about work.............

Monday, October 16, 2006

Territorial sneezing

I decided to stay in Limerick an extra night and come back to Dublin this morning and it was a stroke of genius (or at least it could be considered a stroke of genius by most common and garden variety mushrooms, if they were up for much considering). Still- it was pretty good, making allowances for the soul destroying stopover at Limerick Junction (no 5 on the list of most miserable places on the planet) at 6.20am. Waiting for a train that was late (they're always late, this is especially true if the train is coming from Cork, I don't why and I don't want to be accused of Corkism, but always bloody late.....and its the type of late that is late enough to annoy you but not late enough to make you want to complain.... to people in authority at least.)
However I did manage to figure out how to keep a seat all to myself, by muttering inchoherently at any sound beyond a polite whisper and depositing lots of tissue in my immediate vicinity. This seemed to work on all but the bravest of Travellers.

Pleased with the weekend, I got activities out of the way during the week (went to see play called Bonfire in Dublin...once I worked out how to see the stage from behind the woman with the ENORMOUS head, it was pretty great - the play - not the head, people with heads like that have no business getting perms) and soo the weekend was given over to Shane's birthday celebrations and subsequent recoveries, oh and holiday booking, yay Paree!! And I also finally undertook the hazardous n perilous expedition, risking life and sanity to bring forth light n garments (I finally sorted out the mess of clothes I've left in s's room ).

By the way sis, if by any chance you happen to read this, Congratulations!! And warn Mom that Dad's been redecorating.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

treacherous pillows

Thank Moro its Wednesday (if it were Thursday I'd be thanking Curly - Wurly). I've so far had a strange and long week. The week has been strange mainly because I have a cold and my perception of the world has shifted to include tissues - many, many tissues - and lemsips. Despite my misery I kinda enjoyed myself this weekend as the bf, otherwise known as the batgimp (still daft), showered me with love n sympathy, in return I showered.
Met with the conservationist today, apparently out of the 10,000's of types of mould there are only 49 can cause serious harm to humans. It was the 'only' comment I enjoyed. I'm currently eyeing the collection with a strong degree of suspicion. Who knows what lurks in dem, der boxes (snigger).
In further news.......I had my first Irish lesson last night in about 8 years. Considering that I spent 14 years in primary and secondary having lessons and also considering that passing it at leaving cert level was mainly due to convergence of events such as hell freezing over and a deaf examiner from Donegal (tricked into going to Kerry by a nefarious and twisted Irish teacher- are there any other kind)...............where was I was..........oh yes 'Irish not good, me not good Irish have'..........So to make a short story shorter, the teacher last night spoke Irish, I know this doesn't seem to be unusual behaviour for an Irish teacher to indulge in....but it was bunchursa, bunchursa!!! This means something where I come from (and after checking the dictionary I can tell you it means 'beginners'). Speaking Irish like we understood a word of what he said, it was like speaking Russian to a Flemish duck. In fact it was like using a Donegal accent any further south than Galway. Incomprehensible.
Still I did learn something, well four things to be accurate - first, Ni thigim mean 'nope, don't gotcha' - Ni thigim (with emphasis) means 'seriously dude, i wasn't lying the first time, I really have no idea what you're saying' thirdly 'nee tigum' means 'right - i thought i was saying i don't understand the previous two times but obviously I must have been mispronouncing it so now i'm gonna try it this way'
and the last thing I learnt, the reason I have a permanently puzzled look on my face is due to the fact that I spent 14 years of my school life staring at a legion of Irish teachers in exactly the same way as I stared at that bloke last night.

Friday, October 06, 2006

its a heading

Weee, its friday, just another 100mins till the train leaves the station, another 49 mins till I sneak out of work, just another 34 mins till i start to prepare for aforementioned sneak, oh and its about 340mins till I rugby tackle lil oul ladies in my quest to get out lmk station and into S's waiting car. Last weekend I was down, it took me 31.5 secs, two umbrella induced injuries and four pensioners, I'm aiming for a 15 sec stretch this time, no umbrella injuries - though a pram based one would be acceptable, two little oul ladies and one station guard. Wish me luck...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Turns out a fee simple is a type of rent, so I get to keep my job after all. I'm overjoyed about this.
I have a previously undiscovered love of paper. I knew I had feelings for socks and cushions, but paper was a new one to me. All kinds of paper too, thin paper, thick paper, blue paper, brown paper, blank paper, dirty paper (ooh er). Paper all day long. I don't even mind the kind that gives me paper cuts (which my hands are now covered in). Paper all bloody day long.

Cheers Steve for your kind words of invitation. I was so happy I sneezed. I have to admit I am disappointed bout the hokey pokey or the lack thereof but given time I will get over it. Not sure the computer will though.
I have a feeling the Wrath of Blog will probably not suffer any loss of revenue from my presence in the blogging world. Loss of prestige is an entirely different matter.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

book searches

hey batgimp!
Was just gonna email this to you, but I figured that since I went to a tremendous amount of trouble to set this blog up I might as well use it. Plus I think cron might read it. (I'm beginning to feel really daft referring to ye with those usernames. Then again 'Archie' is hardly daftless)
Went searching for the book you told me about at the weekend. I thought it sounded kinda interesting in a swapping lifes type of way. However you gave me the wrong name (which I discovered after I slunk back to my office and search amazon) So instead of requesting 'Self Made Man' at Easons counter on a busy lunch time. I asked for 'I wanna be a man'. Naturally I said this in a low voice and the assistant said 'Wha?' so I repeated myself in a louder voice (dropping at the last word). Again assistant says 'Wha?'. Finally I roar it.
They didn't have any book of that title in that store.
Currently I am avoiding that store, and that part of the street.
Whats a 'fee simple'? Answers may be posted below and the correct answer can have my job.

Remove my ass will you, thats fine, I know where you live........
cron, thank you for the support, is there a special dance I have to do to reach level 4? The computer and I have one that's a bit derivative of the Hokey Pokey.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I AM A.....

mwah, ha, ha, its alive!

always testing

Long lunches make for busy fingers. I've never tried this before, but if it works wahey, I can label myself a computer genius.