
Monday, November 20, 2006

oh to be well again

The blog hasn't been updated for the past week due to illness striking down the the brilliant n beautiful ms. oonagh. Luckily said illness does not seem to be life threatening, the same cannot be said of the doctor I first visited, who tried to induce a heart attack in this author. I can only surmise that she must be a blog reader and was attempting to implement a Darwinian approach to improving content on the web.
Many, many thanks are due to my sister who dropped everything to come to the hospital. I'm sorry for ruining your blouse with my snivelling... :)
Also Steve, who pretty much calmed me down on the days I was fit to crack, your sanity is the perfect foil for my raging lunacy :)
The only after affects of illness seem to be an increase in sentimentality, but I'm sure it'll wear off.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nightmare on Sesame St

I managed to find a costume for the party. After going through all available options (zombie bride, zombie clown, zombie archivist, zombie vet, zombie vampire - double the scare and zombie big bird) I finally settle on what i think looked like zombie bride, possible vampiric bride - either way I looked bloody. Steve mentioned something about necrophilia, but I can assure you, no corpses were harmed in the making of the costume. I have consent forms to prove it. There are pictures lurking which I must track down and up load.
Also thank you Shane and Monica for a lovely night!
Oh dear, I've got Irish class tonight, I've avoided it the pass two weeks and now I have to face the music, or do I mean the ceoil, I had to ask the Irish expert in the library today how to apologise and give an excuse in Irish. Ta bron orm. Damn right I'm bloody sad....the rest of the class has probably speeded ahead of me, conjugating like clever rabbits, bastards.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Didn't manage to find new hat with powers, must use old hat with bobbles.
Steve is in Dublin this weekend. We're heading to a fancy dress party (sort of) in Shane and Monica's apt. Last night I went shopping for a costume, after 3 hours and 20 shops I managed to buy a skirt for €1. I have no idea what to do with it or how it will suddenly transform itself into a costume. I've been eyeing carefully for any signs of movement but it seems to be damned unoriginal. Since I've left most of my belongings in Steve's place I can either go as a) an office worker or b) somebody going to bed or I could bring a towel and my loofah...
Lets see, what else do I have in office I have face mask and rubber gloves, ah ha!! I could go wearing skirt, face mask and rubber gloves and I will be a...............person wearing skirt, face mask and rubber gloves.
I suppose I could always go as a vet, I could give demonstrations.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Headless Archivist

I've a week on Duty this week, which basically means I answer queries from the public. Like all good college leavers I've developed a disdain for students, and I think like all good archivists I've developed a terror of the 'public'. From runaway trains, to absconding grandfathers and unscrupulous builders, I've been bewildered, confused and downright nonplussed by some of my queries and yet also strangely amazed.
Magic coat still working, people are getting out of MY way! Hell yes, today I must find hat with same powers.